Panel 3: Workforce Development for Secure Computing
Friday, April 28
11:00am – 12:30pm ET
Join via Zoom
Meeting ID: 929 6289 9215
Passcode: 760137
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The goal of this series of workforce-development panel discussions, which is organized around four different technology areas of microelectronics, is to examine the current workforce-development landscape, challenges, and paths forward in each technology area. To do this we bring together experts across many disciplines, applications and perspectives to share their viewpoints, answer questions, debate approaches, and possibly find mutually beneficial solutions.
- Antonio de la Serna, Siemens
- Domenic Forte, UF
- Rob Aitken, Synopsys
- Sharlini Sankaran, Duke University
- Selcuk Uluagac, Florida International University
Moderator: Sandip Ray, UF