An update from Mark Tehranipoor on SCALES’ accomplishments, current activities, and some thoughts about the future of SCALES.
Author: communications
Workforce Development for AI/ML Hardware
The fourth virtual workforce development panel discussion is Friday, May 12 at 11:00am ET. The panel will focus on workforce development for AI/ML hardware.

BRIDG issued a press release on April 14 alerting news media to the recent April 10 meeting hosted by BRIDG to prepare for a response to the first CHIPS Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) focusing on commercial fabrication facilities. Read the full press release.

The third of four virtual panel discussions, focusing on workforce development for secure computing, is Friday, April 28 at 11:00am via Zoom.

The second of four virtual panel discussions, focusing on workforce development for heterogeneous integration and advanced packaging, is Friday, April 14 at 11:00am via Zoom.
Commercial Fab Facilities Meeting

SCALES is holding a day-long meeting to prepare for a response to the first CHIPS Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) focusing on Commercial Fabrication Facilities.
The meeting is scheduled for Monday, April 10 at BRIDG in Kissimmee (near Orlando), from 10:00am to 5:00pm.

SCALES presents the first in a series of virtual panel discussions focusing on workforce development on Friday, March 31 at 11:00am.
How To Make Chiplets A Viable Market

At the recent Chiplet Summit, there was a panel session on the last afternoon titled “How to Make Chiplets a Viable Market.”

“Over the next decade, we must think of energy efficiency as the most important challenge,” Lisa Su, CEO of Advanced Micro Devices, told engineers at the 2023 IEEE International Solid State Circuits Conference(ISSCC), in San Francisco.

Alan Huffman is senior director for the heterogeneous integration business unit at SkyWater Technologies and Charles G. Woychik is the director of advanced packaging platforms, both at SkyWater Technology in Kissimmee, FL. They both present “Don’t Forget the Package: Establishing Domestic Heterogeneous Integration Capability” Thursday, March 2 at 1:00pm.